
To Tanya's Unofficial


Home For Boyds Bears


Hello and welcome fellow Boyds lover. I have just recently begun to collect these adorable bears and hares. I am partial to the Bearstones, they are by far my favourite in the Boyds family. My collection is small at the present time but it is constantly growing. I collect for the shear pleasure of collecting, not for the value the piece may bring in the future or the cast number. It makes no difference to me, if it is a 100 or 200 series. I collect the pieces that have special meaning for me and the pieces that warm my heart. From the moment I discovered these charming creatures they stole my heart and captured my love.So much so, that I became an official F.O.B.. Can't wait for my bears to arrive!!!!


I hope you enjoy the following links and that you visit with us again soon.



~My Bears~


~My Wish List~


~Boyds Who Live With Me~


~Beary Friendly Places~


1999 Spring Resin Collection


Boyds Bears N' Buddies
They have great e-mail greeting cards for you to send
to all your fellow Boyds friends.


A little bit of everything Boyds!


The Boyds Collectors Forum


The Boyds Bears Collectors Studio 

They have great Boyds Bears computer wallpaper
for you to download.

The Collectors Guide

The Boyds Bears Webring

~Bear Shopping~


The Boyds Enclopedia

Great help if you are searching for retired Boyds.

Sparx (Canadian retailer)

Centre Gift Shop (Canadian retailer)


Lots of Boyds exclusives. They sell out quick so don't delay!

~Boyds Bears Personal Webpage Graphics~


~Simply Country~ all bear graphics.


~Graphic Barn Designs~


~Dani's Delusions~


~Grandma George~ background and tea time bear.


~Graphic Gazebo~ large Bailey at top of page.

Thank you ladies for providing the graphics on this page!!

This Boyds Bears & Friends Connection site is owned by
(Robinson's Heart Warmers)

Want to join this Webring?

Ring logos: Web Designs by Janet
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Tanya 's Boyds Bears page is in no way affiliated with The Boyds Collection™. The Boyds Bearstone Collection™, The Folkstone Collection™, Boyds Bears & Friends™, Yesterday's Child ... The Dollstone Collection™, Bearware™, Folkwear™ & The Friends of Boyds™ are registered ® trademarks of The Boyds Collection, Ltd.™



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Copyright 1998-1999 Robinson's Heart Warmers.