~My Boyds Wish List~


Ahhhh, so many Boyds my heart desires, so little money. Someday. The following Boyds are all on my wish list. I don't collect for the low numbers or purchase a Bearstone due to what it may be worth in the future. I collect from my heart. If it is a piece I truly love, or a piece that will remind me of something special in my life, it joins the wish list.I collect for the shear joy the piece brings me. If it can make my heart smile, it is bound to come home with me at some point in time!!!


Grace and Johnathon.....Born To Shop
Louella and Hedda...The Secret
Neville.....The Compubear
Ms. Griz...Saturday Night
The Collector
The Diary
Bailey's Birthday
Bailey....The Honey Bear
Momma McBear...Anticipation
Bailey...Hearts Desire
Flash McBear...The Sitting
Ms. Griz and Bailey...The Lesson
A Lil' Off the Top
Alexandra and Belle...Telephone Tied
The Family
Arnold P. Bomber...The Duffer
Elliott...The Hero
Emma and Bailey...Afternoon Tea
Bailey... In the Orchard
Wilson and The Love Sonnets
Ted and Teddy
Born To Shop and The Knitting Lesson



And, that is my wish list. I hope to be able to add some to the "Boyds I Have" list soon!!!







Graphics By....


~Simply Country~


Background and Hearts were purchased from

They are copyrighted and registered. Please Do Not Take Them. Thanks.



Copyright 1999 Robinson's Heart Warmers