~Country Webbin' Friends~
Hello and WELCOME Country Webbin' Friends. We are so glad to see you. While surfing the Net, we have made many new friends, their homes warmed our hearts. We would like to share some of our favourite "web homes" with you and hope you enjoy your visit with them as much as we do when we drop by. = 0 )
However, there are exceptions to all rules. If you have a family friendly, child safe, country themed site, that you would like me to add, sign our guestbook or drop me an e-mail and I will come visit your home and more than likely add ya to our Country Webbin' Friends. Ok?!
A very big thank you to Camille for creating our beautiful banners. ((HUGS))
Stop by and visit Sherry's Suthern Nook. You will be greeted with true hospitality and gentility that may only be found in the South.
The Hagemann Family Homepage is one that you will want to visit again and again. Guaranteed to warm your heart. Camille is a very special friend.
If you are a baseball fan, especially of extraordinary Toronto Blue Jay Los Angeles Dodger outfielder Shawn Green, you don't want to miss my friend Diane's site. She has poured her heart into this page and it shows. Give her a big hug for me, if you drop by for a visit with one of baseballs' finest.
Nancy has an absolutely heartwarming site that you do not want to miss. It is a home on the web that welcomes you and makes you want to stay for hours on end!!! Say "Hi" and give Nancy a hug for me, please.
The heartwarming home page of my fellow Canadian, Maryvel and her family have a multi-country farm/homestead that you will just love to visit again and again. Give her a big hug for me, please.Drop by and visit Cindy at her country escape. You will have a great time. She has pages on multiple births, kitty cats, and some wonderful graphics for your personal home page. Tell her Tanya sent you, and say "Hi" for me!
Drop by and visit my friend Michelle. she has a wonderful country home, with a great deal of valuable information on coyright.
This way to ~More Country Webbin' Friends~
Thank You For Being A Friend
Thank you for being a friend. Traveled down the road and back again. Your heart is true, you're a pal and a confidante. And, if you threw a party, invited everyone you knew, You would see the biggest gift would be from me. And, the card attached would say, THANK YOU FOR BEING A FRIEND. Music Playing: Thank-You For Being A Friend (Theme from Golden Girls)
Purchased background and lil' house from...
Background and country friends by Camille, Lil' house by Mel.
Music By: ABC Midis
You are the
visitor to our country home.