~Graphics Game~



~The Graphics Game~


~Please, be patient while this page loads.~


Ok, here it is Heart Warmers brand new graphics game for you to play. Here is an image that was created by one of the artists listed below. Your mission is to find out which artist created the image. Simply click on each logo and view each page at every site until you find these cute little kitty cats. It shouldn't take too long. Don't want to do that? Scroll down past the logos to see who the creator is.






In all, there are 27 graphic artists listed. To find that one little graphic at the top, could take you anywhere from 3-4 days, with constant surfing and visiting each page at each site.This is exactly what it is like if you have a "Graphics Credits" page on your site. A big guessing game of what came from where. Not only are you making it hard for your visitors, but you are violating the rules of most graphic artists, who kindly ask that you give credit on the same page that the graphics appear on. If their work is good enough to appear on your pages, then so is their logo, or a text link. This is only a common courtesy after all they so kindly give. Just think of how blank and boring your pages would be, if it weren't for their wonderful creations. I cannot draw at all, not even stick people. So, my pages would be very blah, to say the least.


This is why it is so important that you give credit where credit is due: ON THE SAME PAGE THAT THE GRAPHICS APPEAR ON. PLEASE, RESPECT ORIGINAL ARTISTS AND THEIR WORK. Thank you for caring enough to read this. Your time and your caring heart are much appreciated.=0)


**Special Note: I am in no way saying that you need to tell where each graphic you use originated. I do that, because that is important to me but the most important thing is that you give credit on the same page where the graphics are used. Thanks


~Graphics on this page by,~

As for the kitty cats, I lied. Sorry, I am not telling where they came from, as this would defeat the purpose of this page. Thank you very much to their creator for supporting this page, and for allowing me to use them without giving her proper credit. I will give you a hint: She has many wonderful country graphics for sale and for free. She is also the very talented lady who made our banner and our Heart-warming site award. Now do you know who she is? Thank you my friend. You're the best!!!


A very special thank you to Michelle, from Our Lil' Place in the Country (temporarily offline, but she'll be back), for so kindly sharing her idea with me. Thanks Michelle for allowing me to post your idea too. I appreciate it very, very much my friend and am so glad we met! =0)