~Tanya's Boyds Collection~


My Boyds collection is small but always growing, just doesn't seem to grow as fast as I would like it to. While it is a small collection, I love and treasure each and every piece in it. Each piece I received for a special moment in my life or I bought it myself because it warmed my heart.



Edmund... Deck The Halls ornament
Wilson...Shooting Star ornament
Claire...with gingerbread garland ornament (she is my fav)
Edmund...Bear In a Box ornament (he is soooooo cute)
Mistletoe and Holly...First Christmas Together,1997 ornament (my mum gave me this one the first Christmas that Ed and I spent together after we were married. She didn't "give it right to me" she hung it on our tree and stuck a post it to the bottom with Love Mum on it. I discovered it 2 days later.)
Lars....Ski,Ski,Ski Snowball ornament
Ingrid....Be Warm Snowball ornament
Ms. Griz and Bailey...Tea Time Votive (I just adore this piece)
Ms. Patience...Guardian Angel Of Teachers (my in-laws gave her to me for my birthday)
Beatrice....We Are Always The Same Age Inside (I was so excited when I found her recently at the local mall)
1999 Boyds Bears Calendar (can't wait to see 2000 calendar)





Heartwarming thanks to...

Background and Hearts were purchased from

They are copyrighted and registered. Please Do Not Take Them. Thanks.



Copyright 1999 Robinson's Heart Warmers