~Home Sweet Home~
many years of waiting and saving, we finally bought a home of our own. YIPEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is a 2 storey, that is 2558 sq feet, with 4 bedrooms, 2 and a half baths,
a double garage and a kitchen that I loved from the moment I saw it! At this
exact moment, it is a plot of mud with a number on it, but come the end of
June, it will be our new home. They are set to break ground in mid to late
February. Watch for the pictures, coming once construction begins.
~Our House Plans~
~The Exterior~
This is how our house will look on the outside. Our house has 4 steps leading up to the front door.
~Main Floor~
~Click here to see the second floor~
~Graphics By~
~Next Stop~