Pets, they are a wonderful part of our families and we love them with all our hearts. The holiday season would not be complete without them. Yet each year during the holiday season, countless pets are taken to veterinary offices suffering from the effects of being poisoned by their well intentioned owners. While hundreds more are taken/returned to the animal shelters as they are a gift that the receiver didn't really want or didn't realize how much work and love was invovled in having a pet of their own. During this joyous season, please keep the following in mind so that your furry family members may enjoy it as well and continue to enjoy it for many years to come.
Poinsettas are a beautiful holiday flower, but not to pets. Poinsettas are toxic to animals. If not treated immediately, they can die from the effects of ingesting this plant. Decorate your home with all the pointsettas you like, just ensure they are well away from the places your furry friend frequents. If possible never place a pointsetta on the floor where it is easily accesible them.
Chocolate is a yummy treat and dogs will readily consume it if given the opportunity to do so. Chocolate acts as a poison in dogs. While it will not kill them, it can make them gravely ill. Skip the chocolate and give Spot a doggie biscuit instead. He will be just as happy and healthy too.
What would the Christmas season be without a tree? They are so pretty to look at and such fun to decorate. Now if you were a cat, would you be able to resist all those swinging and swaying new toys on display? To discourage pets from playing and attempting to climb the tree, sprinkle cayenne pepper around its perimeter. They don't like the smell and will tend to shy away from it. Cats like to eat tinsel (icicles) from the tree. As it passes through their body, the tinsel acts like a sharde of glass. If you happen to find your cat with the tinsel protruding from their body, DO NOT attempt to remove it. Call your veterinarian immediately and they will advise you on how to proceed.
The Christmas feast would be incomplete without turkey. While you may have pets begging at the table, it is best to find them something else to eat. Turkey, like all meat, is the muscles of the animal and for your pet it is very hard to digest and can cause gastrointestinal problems. A little turkey won't hurt them but an entire meal is not a good idea.
Gifts For Your Pet
Catnip toys
Squeaky toys
Kitty treats
Scratching post
Alpine Fleece blanket (we got one for Pixie and she just loves it!)
Chew toys
Dog biscuits
New collar/leash
Sweater for those cold night walks
Graphics by
~Backgrounds By Marilyn~ (no longer online)
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