~Christmas Poems~




~Holiday Poems~


The first poem is one my friends' mum wrote when she was teaching 1st grade. The second is a family favourite from some time ago.


~Merry Christmas Poem~


M is for Mistletoe tied with a bow.
E is for Evergreens heavy with snow.
R is for Reindeer that prance through the sky.
R is for Ribbons, the presents to tie.
Y is for Yuletide, the season of cheer.
C is for Christmas, best time of the year.
H is for Holly with berries so red.
R is for Rosy-red cheeks out at play.
I is for Icicles melting away.
S is for Snowballs we fashion with glee.
T is for Tinsel that hangs on the tree.
M is for Mince pies, the best to be found.
A is for Apples so rosy and round.
S is for Stockings to hang by my bed.
That Santa will fill from the bag in his sled.



~Christmas 2030~
Twas the night before Christmas and on our asteroid,
Not a creature was stirring, not even a droid.
The space socks were hung by the instrument panel,
Socks of helium, plastic, and 3 percent flannel
The children were nestled in pressurized cots,
Dreaming of space toys and programmed robots.
Milon Mamma and I set the space ship on cruise
And we just settled down for a long winter's snooze.
When out on the landing bay we heard such a clatter
I jumped from my pod to see what was the matter.
I couldn't believe what could make all that racket.
So I flipped on the radar and started to track it.
When what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a jet-propelled sleigh and eight weightless reindeer
The next picture came-a three second delay-
Then I saw Santa Skywalker driving the sleigh.
He was wearing a pressurized suit of bright red.
With an aerospace helmet on top of his head.
In the back of his sleigh with his bag full of toys,
A computer printout listed good girls and boys.
Santa hastened to open our starboard hatch
And tossed down some goodies-there was quite a batch.
A doll that said "Blast Off" a time warp chess set,
A laser run top and electronic pet.
He followed the toys in a straight drop down the chute-
With a clink and a clank of each magnetic boot.
He stuffed all the stockings, trimmed our synthetic tree,
And arranged all the packages, neat as could be.
Then he took a quiet look at our charted projection
To see if our course met his inspection.
I guess he approved of our going that way
Cause he nodded and beamed himself back to the sleigh.
Then he took off through space with his reindeer and pack
Leaving my radar to bleep and go black
But our video scanner showed his message unfurled,
"Sure hope your Christmas is out of this world."
~Author Unknown~



Graphics by


Midi by Jack's Shack (he is no longer online)

If you can hear the music, you are listening to Come All Ye Faithful.

~Home For The Holidays~


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