Click here for recipes for easy gingerbread.
Cream 1 1/2 cups butter or solid shortening and 2 1/2 cups granulated or brown sugar. |
Blend in 1 1/2 tsp. salt, 1 1/2 tsp. baking soda, 7 tsp. ground ginger, 4 tsp. cinnamon, 2 tsp ground cloves, 2 tsp. grated nutmeg. |
Stir in 1 1/2 cups molasses, light or dark and 1/2 cup water. Mix. Add 4 cups flour and mix well. |
Stir in 4 more cups flour, one at a time, and mix well. |
Divide dough in half , wrap in saran wrap, and chill for 2-3 hours. Roll out dough on floured board, 1/4" thick. Cut 2 rectangles of uniform size, remember to cut windows and doors, but leave them intact for baking. You will remove them after baking. Chill patterns on cookie sheet for 10 minutes in freezer or 15 minutes in refrigerator. |
Bake 18-20 minutes for walls at 350 F. Cool 1 minute. Transfer to wire cooling rack and cool 2 hours or overnight. |
*NOTE* This recipe will give you enough dough to make 2 14X16 rectangles, 1/4" thick. In order to assemble a full house, you will need to make 3 batches of dough in order to get 4 walls ( 2 rectangles and 2 triangles) and 2 pieces for the roof. |
Icing |
3 egg whites |
1/2 tsp cream of tartar |
1 box powdered sugar, sifted |
1/2 tsp. lemon or orange extract, optional |
mixer |
Mix all ingredients on low speed. Then 5-8 minutes on high, until peaks form Icing dries quickly, so keep covered with a damp cloth when using. Use to assemble your house. Icing may be coloured with food colouring if desired. |
Assembling the House |
Cover a pizza box or similar sized rectangle with foil and cover with icing. This will act as the base for your house, so make sure it is durable enough to support it. First remove the windows and door. Stand the back wall and support with soup cans on either side. Ice back edges of one side wall, and press to the back wall, using cans to support. Repeat other side wall. Ice edges of front wall and press into position, support with cans. add additional icing for support if necessary. Let dry overnight. |
Place on roof piece in position and support edge with can. Repeat for other roof piece. Gently spread icing across the peak of the roof. Let dry 24 to 48 hours. Decorate with more icing and assorted candies. Let your imagination run wild! = ) |
This is a really great family project for the holidays. Children love to help decorate. Hint. The bow type pretzels make a great fence. |
Graphics By
Thanks Mel.
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