~Ribbon Jellied Salad~



Ribbon Jellied Salad


3 oz. pkg lime jello
3 oz. pkg lemon jello
3 oz. pkg strawberry jello
4 oz. pkg cream cheese
1 cup whipping cream
8 oz can crushed pineapple
First Layer: Set lime jello as directed and let partly set. Add drained pineapple (reserve the juice) . Put in a large glass bowl.
Second Layer: Dissolve lemon jello in 1/2 cup boiling water and add 1 cup pineapple juice. Let partly set. Whip in cream cheese, let partly set. Whip in whipping cream (whipped) and pour over lime jello. Let set.
Third Layer: Make strawberry jello as directed and let partly set. Pour over yellow mixture and let set completely. Keep refrigerated.
It is the cream cheese and whipping cream that make this jellied salad delightfully different !
Copyright 1998,1999 Robinson's Heart Warmers